Welcome to my website

Art by Ole

Art should be shared, enjoyed, inspire, and stimulate conversation

I have established this website to do just that with my artwork

The website is just beginning to take shape.  It is currently very basic with minimal content.  More artwork will be added as I continue to work on the site so please check back often to view the new additions.

My works of art

Please go to my Gallery to view my paintings.

About the Artist

Ole Nordhavn is a self-taught artist who has always been interested in art in various media: watercolors, acrylics, oils, and in the majority of his adult life, photography. He began with oil painting and in late 2015 he took up watercolor painting after attending several watercolor classes as an activity on several cruises.  Not happy with the results, but determined not to let it beat him, he took up painting in earnest, buying supplies, books, videos, and for the last five years taking an art and painting classes.

For three years from professional artist, Richard Gunn, at the Hayward Senior Center. 

Recent watercolor training included a one day seminar and painting experience with artist Sue Farr.  Currently Ole is taking  weekly, ongoing watercolor classes from artist Monica Satterthwaite at the San Lorenzo Adult School, although this has been interupted for the last year plus due to Covid-19 restrictions. 

Ole is currently taking online watercolor classes from renowned Ohio watercolor artist, Rick Sorowicz.  Future classes will be taken with renowned local watercolor artists as well. 

Subjects are usually scenery, wildlife, or flowers. Many of Ole's paintings are interpretations of photographs taken during his travels. His style is very color intensive, especially for watercolors.

Business hours

We are available by appointment only.

Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun

+1 510 499 3152


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